Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
963 lines
name plist
page 78,132
title PLIST12 --- Print text file (version 1.2A)
; Zider Brothers, San Francisco
; Based on LIST.ASM by Ray Duncan
;6.27 Fixed output buffer bug.
; Added version id on help screen.
; Added PLIST id to error messages.
; Fixed automatic computation of remaining available space
; (courtesy Chris Dunford via Vern Buerg).
;6.5.86 Fixed title buffer init to conform to page offset, line
; width parms.
; Fixed end-of-input processing (now does not pump out extra
; line with pg_offset pad plus line feed)
;6.4.86 Add /7 option to strip hi-bit (make ok 8-bit the default now)
; Enlarged I/O buffers to max space available (64K assumed - may
; blow system if full 64KB not available for code).
; DEL char (07Fh or 127 decimal) is now treated as low-order control
; character.
; Add /b option for blanks substituted for low-order control chars
; (Default is that non-special treatment control chars are discarded
; from the output listing stream to keep output devices from
; interpreting WordStar embedded print control chars).
; Change default output file to zz.spl (from zz.lst).
; Speed on AT 6/1 around 90-100K bps, and about 11-17,000 lines per minute.
;5.8.85 Add std error out for error messages
; Disable code that toggles lpi, cpi on exit if parm was exercised
; Change to COM file format
; Input buffer moved to end, fill above program
; Change input block size to 4096 bytes (for DOS 2.0 hard disk)
; Conversion speed from 14K bps to 19K bps, depending on tabs expansion
; Make ZZ.LST the default (file) output--21K-24K bps (bits per second)
;5.7.85 Make compressed, 8 lpi the default (using IBM PC Graphics printer)
; Add /N option to get uncompressed print ("normal" print)
; Exit print without changing settings if none set, toggle back if set
; Disable FF bracketing, make no FF's at begin/end the default
; Add /F switch to enable lead-in FF (tail end still disabled)
; Add /S switch to print to std output device (so can redirect to file)
; Change name to PLIST to avoid confusion with LIST545, etc by Vern Buerg
; Add syntax, options help when null command line tail
; Add page offset of 8 spaces
; Added clarifying comments, code section identification breaks.
;5.6.85 Hack to add 8 Lines Per Inch option (/8)
;-----original documentation:
; LIST --- a utility to print out text files with titles and page
; numbers on the current list device. The high bit of all
; characters is stripped [this option now must be specified on the command
; line with the /7 option], so that raw Wordstar or other word
; processing files can be listed. Embedded form feed codes are
; recognized, and tabs are expanded. Unknown control codes (such
; as the ^B and ^U codes found in Wordstar documents) are discarded.
; If using an Epson printer, compressed mode can be turned on with
; /C switch in command so that lines up to 128 characters long will
; fit on a normal page. Requires PC-DOS 2.0 or MS-DOS 2.0.
; Used in the form:
; A>LIST path\filename.ext ["title text"] [/C]
; (items in square brackets are optional)
; version 1.0 February 28, 1984
; Copyright (c) 1984 by Ray Duncan
; May be freely reproduced for non-commercial use.
cr equ 0dh ;ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ;ASCII line feed
ff equ 0ch ;ASCII form feed
eof equ 01ah ;End of file marker
tab equ 09h ;ASCII tab character
blank equ 20h ;space character
command equ 80h ;buffer for command tail
prog_size = offset end_code ; s/b about 09f6h
end_segment equ 0ffffh
stack_space equ 100h
avail = end_segment-(offset end_code - cseg) - stack_space
;avail2 = end_segment-prog_size-stack_space ;gives error
public buf_size
;buf_size equ 1024
buf_size equ avail/2
public output_buffer
output_buffer equ prog_size+buf_size
chk_stack equ output_buffer+buf_size+1
stack_start equ end_segment-stack_space+1
inblksize equ buf_size
outblksize equ buf_size
;inblksize equ 8192 ;size of block reads from input file
;outblksize equ 8192 ;size of block writes to output file
pg_offset equ 8 ;set page offset to 8 spaces
linesize equ 132-pg_offset ;maximum length of output line
page6lpi equ 58 ;58 out of 66 lines
page8lpi equ 80 ;80 of of 88 lines
heading_lines equ 3 ;number of lines in page heading
std_out equ 1 ;standard output
std_error equ 2 ;standard error--not redirectable
std_printer equ 4 ;standard printer
cseg segment para public 'CODE'
;old assume:
; assume cs:cseg,ds:data,es:data,ss:stack
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
org 100H
ENTRY: jmp start
;DATA area at end of the program.
who_am_i db 'PLIST12: Zider Brothers, San Francisco'
list proc far ;entry point from PC-DOS
push ds ;save DS:0000 for final
xor ax,ax ;return to PC-DOS
push ax
list13: ;make sure we're running under DOS 2.0.
mov ah,30h
int 21h
cmp al,2
jae list01 ;proceed, DOS 2.0 or greater
mov dx,offset msg3 ;DOS 1.x --- print error message
mov cx,msg3_len
jmp list9
; Process command line
list01: call get_title ;get listing title from
;command line tail.
call get_switch ;look for /C, /N, /6, /8, etc switches, if any
call get_filename ;get path and file spec. for
;input file from command line tail.
jnc list15 ;jump, got acceptable name.
mov dx,offset msg2 ;missing or illegal filespec,
mov cx,msg2_len
jmp list9 ;print error message and exit.
; Open input file
list15: call open_input ;now try to open input file
jnc list2 ;jump,opened input ok
mov dx,offset msg1 ;open of input file failed,
mov cx,msg1_len
jmp list9 ;print error msg and exit.
; Open output file
cmp s_switch,0 ;output to std out?
jne list25 ;jump if DOS std output selected
call open_zzlst ;open default output file
jnc list25 ;skip if ok open
mov dx,offset zzmsg ;opening default file error
mov cx,zzmsg_len
jmp list9 ;print error msg and xit.
; Initialization
list25: call init_buff ;initialize input deblocking buffer
; Set page, printer configuration
list20: test compress_switch,-1 ;was /C switch found?
jz list21
call compress_on ;yes,turn on compressed print mode
list21: test ate_lpi,-1 ;/8 switch found?
jz list22
call ate_on
list22: test six_lpi,-1 ;/6 switch found?
jz list23
call six_on
list23: test norm_switch,-1 ;was /N switch found?
jz list3
call compress_off
; Main program control loop ;
; ;
; Process character input stream
call get_char ;read 1 character from input.
cmp al,20h ;is it a low-order control code?
jb short list30 ;yes, go check out what kind.
cmp al,07fh ;not low-order, pivot on DEL char (127 decimal)
jb list4 ;ok char, write to list device.
je short list30 ;treat it like low-order control char.
mod1 label word
nop ;high bit is set on char = upper 128 chars.
nop ;..two bytes here may be modified to
; 'and al,07h' by /7 option to strip hi-bit.
; Otherwise code falls through to jmp:
jmp list4 ;now write to list device.
list30: cmp al,tab ;is it a tab command?
je list5 ;yes,jump to special processing.
cmp al,cr ;carriage return?
jne list31 ;
mov column,0 ;carriage return, store it into output
jmp list45 ; string and initialize column count.
list31: cmp al,lf ;is it a line feed?
je list7 ;yes,jump to special processing. (force print)
cmp al,ff ;is it a form feed?
je list6 ;yes, jump to special processing.
cmp al,eof ;is it end of file marker?
je list8 ;yes,jump to close files.
test blank_sub,-1 ;substitute blank char for control char?
jz list32 ;no
mov al,blank ;yes, replace ctl char with blank
jmp list4 ;now write to list device
list32: jmp list3 ;none of the above--ignore it and get another
; Special tab expansion
list5: ;process tab character
mov ax,column ;let DX:AX=column count
mov cx,8 ;divide it by eight...
idiv cx
sub cx,dx ;remainder is in DX.
add column,cx ;update column pointer.
list55: ;8 minus the remainder
push cx ;gives us the number of
mov al,20h ;spaces to send out to
call put_char ;move to the next tab position
pop cx ;restore space count
loop list55
jmp short list3 ;get next character
; Form feed processing
list6: ;form feed detected
call write_maybe ;if anything waiting in output
;buffer, print it first
call print_heading ;new page and print title
jmp list3 ;get next character from input
; Put character into output line buffer
inc column ;bump line char count
list45: ;write this character into
call put_char ;forming output string.
;is output buffer about to overflow?
cmp linput_ptr,linesize-1
je list7 ;yes, force print of buffer.
jmp list3 ;no, get next char. from input file.
; Line feed char or line full, flush line buffer
list7: ;line feed detected, interpreted
;as print command.
call heading_maybe ;print heading if needed
call write_line ;print contents of text buffer
jmp list3 ;get more from input file
; End of file processing
list8: ;end of file detected (^Z, 1AH)
call close_input ;close input file
call write_maybe ;print anything that's waiting
;in output buffer.
;disable end of job form feed check and form feed output:
; cmp ff_switch,0 ;see if FF's have been specified
; je list81 ;skip it if /F not set
; mov al,ff ;send form feed to finish listing.
; call put_char
; call write_line ;why need? already called write_maybe
call flush_out ;flush output buffer
call close_output ;close output file
jmp list85 ;skip following code
;disable this exit code--leave printer in mode(s) selected by cmd line parms:
; ;turn off compressed print mode,
; ;if it was enabled.
; test compress_switch,-1
; jz list82
; call compress_off
;list82: cmp norm_switch,0
; je list83
; call compress_on
;list83: cmp ate_lpi,0
; je list84
; call six_on
;list84: cmp six_lpi,0
; je list85
; call ate_on
ret ;now return to PC-DOS.
; Error: program termination
;DX offset to error message
;CX length of error message
list9: ;come here to print error message
mov bx,std_error
mov ah,40H
int 21H
mov bx,std_error
mov cx,hlpmsg_len
mov dx,offset hlpmsg ;help with syntax added here
mov ah,40H
int 21H
ret ;return to DOS
list endp
; ;
; End of main program control loop ;
; Get filename
get_filename proc near ;process name of input file
;DS:SI <- addr command line
mov si,offset command
;ES:DI <- addr filespec buffer
mov di,offset input_name
lodsb ;any command line present?
or al,al ;return error status if not.
jz get_filename4
get_filename1: ;scan over leading blanks
lodsb ;to file name
cmp al,cr ;if we hit carriage return
je get_filename4
cmp al,'/' ;or switch,
je get_filename4
cmp al,'"' ;or quote mark, filename missing.
je get_filename4 ;so go return error flag.
cmp al,20h ;is this a blank?
jz get_filename1 ;if so keep scanning.
get_filename2: ;found first char of name,
stosb ;move last char. to output
;file name buffer.
lodsb ;check next character, found
cmp al,cr ;carriage return yet?
je get_filename3 ;yes,exit with success code.
cmp al,'"' ;same if quote encountered.
je get_filename3
cmp al,20h ;is this a blank?
jne get_filename2 ;if not keep moving chars.
get_filename3: ;exit with carry =0
clc ;for success flag
get_filename4: ;exit with carry =1
stc ;for error flag
get_filename endp
; Get title
get_title proc near ;process title for listing
;DS:SI <- addr command line
mov si,offset command
;ES:DI <- addr page heading buffer
mov di,offset heading1
add di,pg_offset ;mov pointer into buf by page offset amt
lodsb ;any command line present?
or al,al ;no,exit
jz get_title3
get_title1: ;scan for leading <"> to find title.
cmp al,cr ;if we hit carriage return,
je get_title3 ;title text is missing.
cmp al,'"' ;found delimiter?
jne get_title1 ;if so keep scanning.
get_title2: ;get next char. of title.
cmp al,'"' ;terminate if 2nd <"> delimiter
je get_title3 ;or carriage return found
cmp al,cr
je get_title3
stosb ;store this char. into page heading buffer
jmp get_title2 ;examine next char.
get_title endp
; Get switch
get_switch proc near ;Scan the input line for a "/"
;delimiting a switch, then make
;sure it is legal "/C" or "/c".
;If legal switch found, set
;variable COMPRESS_SWITCH true.
;Also check for /8 for 8 lines per inch
; /6 for 6 lines per inch
; /N for normal (uncompressed)
; /S for std out
mov ax,std_printer ;set default output device to printer
mov output_handle,ax
mov si,offset command+1 ; DS:SI = addr of command line
get_switch1: ;look for "/" character
cmp al,cr ;if we run into a carriage return,
jnz gsw1 ;not cr
jmp get_switch2 ;is cr,switch missing so take normal exit.
gsw1: cmp al,'/'
jne get_switch1 ;not '/' yet, keep looking.
lodsb ;found '/', pick up next char.
chk_8: cmp al,'8' ;8 lines per inch?
jne chk_6
mov es:ate_lpi,-1 ;set 8 lines per inch switch
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_6: cmp al,'6' ;6 lines per inch?
jne chk_7
mov es:six_lpi,-1 ;set 6 lines per inch switch
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_7: cmp al,'7' ;7-bits only? (strip high bit)
jne chk_b
mov es:sept_bits,-1 ;set for 7-bit output only (flag not used..
; ..used self-modifying code instead:
mov ax,cs:and_w ;move op to in-line code location
mov cs:mod1,ax ; )
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
and_w label word ;and-operator
and_op: and al,07fh ;strip hi-bit op code bytes
chk_b: cmp al,'b' ;b=blank sub for low control chars
jne chk_c
mov es:blank_sub,-1 ;set for blank
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_c: or al,20h ;and fold to lower case.
cmp al,'c' ;c=compress
jne chk_n ;not /C, check for /N
;set compress switch
mov es:compress_switch,-1
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_n: cmp al,'n' ;n=normal
jne chk_f ;not n, check for /F
mov es:norm_switch,-1
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_f: cmp al,'f' ;f=bracket print with FF's
jne chk_s
mov es:ff_switch,-1
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
chk_s: cmp al,'s' ;/S
jne get_switch2 ;not f, jump to return
mov es:output_handle,std_out ;set output to std out
mov es:s_switch,-1
jmp get_switch1 ;check for more options
ret ;exit
get_switch endp
; Open input file
open_input proc near ;open input file
;DS:DX=addr filename
mov dx,offset input_name
mov al,0 ;AL=0 for read only
mov ah,3dh ;function 3dh=open
int 21h ;handle returned in AX,
mov input_handle,ax ;save it for later.
ret ;CY is set if error
open_input endp
; Open default output file
open_zzlst proc near ;open default output file
;This will open an existing file if it exists
mov dx,offset zzlst ;ASCIIZ string of default output file name
mov al,1 ;open file for writing
mov ah,3dh ;open a file
int 21h
jc ozz1 ;if CY, check if not found
savozz: mov output_handle,ax
mov zzlst_handle,ax ;in case we need it
;move to the end of the file for default file append
mov bx,ax ;handle to BX for LSEEK
mov cx,0
mov dx,0
mov al,2 ;to end of file plus offset of zero (CX:DX)
mov ah,42h ;LSEEK call (what's an LSEEK???)
int 21h ;CY may be set here if invalid handle or function
ozzxit: ret ;carry will be set if error
public ozz1
ozz1: cmp ax,2 ;if =2, then file not found and must be created
jne ozz9
mov dx,offset zzlst ;in case trashed by DOS
mov cx,20h ;creating normal file
mov ah,3ch ;create file call
int 21h
jnc savozz ;ok create if no CY
ozz9: stc ;other error (too many handles or access denied)
open_zzlst endp
; Initialize buffers
init_buff proc near ;initialize input buffer
call read_block ;read 1st block of input file
mov linput_ptr,pg_offset ;initialize pointer to output string
init_buff endp
; Read input block
read_block proc near ;read block of data from input file.
mov bx,input_handle
mov cx,inblksize
mov dx,offset input_buffer
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jnc read_block1 ;jump if no error status
mov ax,0 ;simulate a zero length read if error
cmp ax,inblksize ;was full buffer read in?
je read_block2 ;yes,jump
mov bx,ax ;no, store End-of-File mark
mov byte ptr [input_buffer+bx],eof
mov input_ptr,0 ;initialize pointer to input buffer.
read_block endp
; Set page, printer configuration
compress_on proc near ;turn on compressed printing mode
;by sending command string.
mov cx,comp_command_length
mov bx,output_handle
mov dx,offset comp_command
mov ah,40h
int 21h
compress_on endp
compress_off proc near ;turn off compressed printing mode
;by sending command string.
mov cx,norm_command_length
mov bx,output_handle
mov dx,offset norm_command
mov ah,40h
int 21h
compress_off endp
ate_on proc near ;turn on 8 lpi
mov ax,page8lpi
mov pagesize,ax
mov linecount,ax
mov cx,ate_lpi_cmd_len
mov bx,output_handle
mov dx,offset ate_lpi_cmd
mov ah,40H
int 21H
ate_on endp
six_on proc near ;turn on 6 lpi
mov ax,page6lpi
mov pagesize,ax
mov linecount,ax
mov cx,six_lpi_cmd_len
mov bx,output_handle
mov dx,offset six_lpi_cmd
mov ah,40H
int 21H
six_on endp
; Get one character from input buffer
get_char proc near ;get one character from input buffer
mov bx,input_ptr ;is pointer at end of buffer?
cmp bx,inblksize
jne get_char1 ;no,jump
;yes, buffer is exhausted,
call read_block ;new block must be read from disk.
mov bx,0 ;initialize buffer pointer.
mov al,byte ptr [input_buffer+bx]
inc bx ;bump input buffer pointer
mov input_ptr,bx
get_char endp
; Put char into output line buffer
public put_char
put_char proc near ;put one character into output buffer
mov bx,linput_ptr
mov [line_buffer+bx],al
inc linput_ptr ;bump pointer to output string
put_char endp
; Heading maybe--if end of the page
public heading_maybe
heading_maybe proc near ;print heading if the line
;count justifies it
mov ax,pagesize
cmp linecount,ax
jl heading_maybe2 ;jump,page not full yet
call print_heading ;form feed (maybe) and print title
heading_maybe endp
; Print heading
public print_heading
print_heading proc near ;print form feed, title, and page no.
inc pagecount ;bump page number,
mov ax,pagecount ;load it,
aam ;and turn it into ASCII,
add ax,'00'
mov heading2,ah ;then store into heading string.
mov heading2+1,al
;now print the heading string.
cmp pagecount,1 ;check if first page heading
je chk_ff ;see if FF switch was specified
public ph2
ph2: mov dx,offset heading_buffer ;header including lead FF
mov cx,heading_length
public ph3
;put these lines into output buffer now instead:
; mov bx,output_handle
; mov ah,40h
; int 21h
call put_line
;initialize line count
mov linecount,heading_lines
mov column,0 ;and column counter
public chk_ff
chk_ff: cmp ff_switch,-1 ;see if set
je ph2 ;if set, jump back
mov dx,offset heading_buffer+1 ;not set, skip lead FF on page 1
mov cx,heading_length-1
jmp ph3
print_heading endp
; Write maybe--if chars in the output line buffer
write_maybe proc near ;transmit line to list device, if
;output buffer contains anything.
mov ax,linput_ptr ;pointer is more than pg_offset if
cmp ax,pg_offset ;characters are waiting in buffer.
; or ax,ax ;
jz write_maybe1 ;nothing, jump to exit
call write_line ;something there, send it to printer
write_maybe endp
; Write line buffer -- put line in output
write_line proc near ;transmit contents of output
;buffer to the standard list device.
mov al,lf ;append line feed to string.
; call put_char ;insert code directly instead of call
mov bx,linput_ptr
mov [line_buffer+bx],al
inc linput_ptr ;bump pointer into output line buffer
mov cx,linput_ptr ;CX contains length of string
;DX:DX=buffer address
mov dx,offset line_buffer
call put_line ;put line into output buffer
; mov bx,output_handle;BX=handle for standard list device is default
; mov ah,40h ;function 40h=write to device.
; int 21h ;request service from DOS.
inc linecount ;count lines printed this page.
mov linput_ptr,pg_offset ;reset pointer to list device buffer
write_line endp
; Put line into output buffer
;DX ptr to line buffer
;CX cnt of chars in line to be put
public put_line
put_line proc near
cmp cx,0 ;anything to send?
je xit_putlin
put1: mov ax,output_ptr ;get current ptr into output block
mov bx,ax ;set index for destination
add ax,cx ;add the line size to be added
cmp ax,outblksize ;see if we can take it
jbe putl2 ;if not, flush the block first
call flush_out
jc xit_putlin ;exit if carry (error writing block)
jmp put1 ;recycle
putl2: mov output_ptr,ax ;save new ptr (a bit out of order, but available)
mov si,dx ;source into si
mov di,offset output_buffer
add di,bx ;dest into di
cld ;increment pointers (clear direction flag: fwd)
rep movsb ;do your thing
clc ;clear carry to indicate ok return
public flush_out
flush_out proc near
push cx
push dx
mov cx,output_ptr ;bytes to write
mov dx,offset output_buffer ;source of bytes
mov bx,output_handle ;file to write them to
mov ah,40h ;DOS Write to File call
int 21H ;the old 21H maneuver
cmp ax,cx ;written should equal requested
jne error_putlin
mov output_ptr,0 ;zero the buffer counter
pop dx ;restore registers
pop cx
public error_putlin
error_putlin equ $ ;here if file write error
mov dx,offset msg4
mov cx,msg4_len
mov bx,std_error
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jmp flush_xit
flush_out endp
put_line endp
; Close input file
close_input proc near ;close input file
mov bx,input_handle ;BX=handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
close_input endp
; Close output file
close_output proc near ;close output file
mov bx,output_handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
close_output endp
;Move this to the end:
;cseg ends
; Data area ;
;disable data segment setup:
;data segment para public 'DATA'
public input_name
input_name db 64 dup (0) ;buffer for input filespec
public input_handle
input_handle dw 0 ;token from PCDOS for input file.
public output_handle
output_handle dw std_printer ;for printer or std out
zzlst db 'ZZ.SPL',0 ;ASCIIZ string for default output
zzlst_handle dw 1 ;std file output name, later reset
public input_ptr
input_ptr dw 0 ;pointer into input blocking buffer
public linput_ptr
linput_ptr dw pg_offset ;pointer into line blocking buffer
public output_ptr
output_ptr dw 0 ;ptr into output blocking buffer
column dw 0 ;column count for tab processing
public linecount
linecount dw page8lpi ;line counter, current page.
;(set to "pagesize" initially to
;force first heading on listing)
pagesize dw page8lpi ;initially at 8 lpi size
public pagecount
pagecount dw 0 ;current page number
compress_switch dw 0 ;set to -1 if /C switch
;found in command line tail.
comp_command db 0fh ;command string for compressed mode
comp_command_length equ $-comp_command
norm_switch dw 0 ;set to -1 if /N switch
norm_command db 12h ;command string for normal print
;(actually: turn off compressed)
norm_command_length equ $-norm_command
ate_lpi dw 0 ;set to -1 if /8 switch
ate_lpi_cmd db 1BH,'0' ;ESC 0
ate_lpi_cmd_len equ $-ate_lpi_cmd
sept_bits dw 0 ;set to -1 if /7 switch
blank_sub dw 0 ;set to -1 if /b switch
six_lpi dw 0 ;set to -1 if /6 switch
six_lpi_cmd db 1BH,'2' ;ESC 2
six_lpi_cmd_len equ $-six_lpi_cmd
ff_switch dw 0 ;set to -1 if /F switch (lead FF)
s_switch dw 0 ;set to -1 if /S switch (std out)
msg1 db cr,lf
db 'PLIST: cannot find input file.'
db cr,lf,'$'
msg1_len equ $-msg1-1 ;net of trailing '$'
msg2 db cr,lf
db 'PLIST: missing file name.'
db cr,lf,'$'
msg2_len equ $-msg2-1
msg3 db cr,lf
db 'PLIST: requires PC-DOS version 2.0 or greater.'
db cr,lf,'$'
msg3_len equ $-msg3-1
msg4 db cr,lf
db 'PLIST: error writing output block.'
db cr,lf,'$'
msg4_len equ $-msg4-1
zzmsg db cr,lf
db 'PLIST: error opening default file ZZ.SPL.'
db cr,lf,'$'
zzmsg_len equ $-zzmsg-1
hlpmsg db cr,lf
db 'Syntax: [d\p\]filename.ext ["title text"] [/8/6/b/7/n/c/f/s]',cr,lf
db cr,lf
db ' /8 print 8 lpi (default)',cr,lf
db ' /6 print 6 lpi (66 lines per page)',cr,lf
db ' /b blank substitution for low ctrl chars (default: discard)',cr,lf
db ' /7 7-bits print (strip high bit)',cr,lf
db ' /c compressed print (default)',cr,lf
db ' /n non-compressed print (10 cpi)',cr,lf
db ' /f leading Form Feeds added (no trailing in any case)',cr,lf
db ' /s output to std out (screen), else file zz.spl default',cr,lf
db cr,lf
db 'Notes: no wildcards (*.*) - use FOR expansion ',cr,lf
db ' output dumped into zz.spl on current path - 15,000 lpm on AT',cr,lf
db ' Version 1.2A 6.27.86',cr,lf
db cr,lf
db 'Usage: ',cr,lf,cr,lf
db ' C>for %1 in (*.sno) do plist %1 "6.4.86 Snobol4+ source %1 "',cr,lf
db ' C>plist d:t.dta /s >tt',cr,lf
db '$'
hlpmsg_len equ $-hlpmsg-1 ;not including the '$'
public line_buffer
line_buffer db pg_offset dup(' ') ;page offset blank pad
db linesize-pg_offset dup (?);buffer used to build output
;lines for list device
public heading_buffer
heading_buffer db ff ;form feed control code
heading1 db linesize-pg_offset-7 dup (' ') ;filled in with title from user
db 'Page ' ;7 chars in Page ##
heading2 db '00',cr
db heading_lines dup (lf)
heading_length equ $-heading_buffer
;input_buffer db inblksize dup ('x');deblocking buffer for input file
public input_buffer
end_code equ $ ;end of code label
input_buffer equ $ ;filled above program, no cseg
;space required in .COM file
;output_buffer equ $+inblksize ;output buffer space
;data segment disabled:
;data ends
;disable code for stack segment:
;stack segment para stack 'STACK'
; db 64 dup (?)
;stack ends
cseg ends
end entry